Pop-Up Outdoor Kitchen Ideas

Let’s be real - most people these days don’t have an outdoor kitchen.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t entertain outdoors.  Kids and adults alike love a good pizza party.  Here are some ideas to create a pop-up outdoor pizza kitchen.  


Here are my top tips for an outdoor pizza kitchen: 

  • Keep it simple with an all in one propane fired pizza bbq unit. My favorite is the PizzaQue by Pizzacraft.

  • Any table will do! We used an antique ceramic top table. Just look for a nonflammable surface. Remember to leave yourself a bit of space to stage your pizza before and after the cooking.

  • Hide that tank. An easy way to make your pop-up look permanent is to hide the infrastructure. In this case, we popped our propane tank into a copper pot that was freshly cleared of our winter firewood.

  • Make it pretty. Surround your table with greenery to create a focal point and make your pop-up seem more permanent.

  • Add seating facing your guests and the pizza oven. That way between pizzas you can take a load off while you engage with your tribe. Don’t forget some comfy outdoor throw pillows and a blanket to keep it cozy.

  • Bonus Tip: Set up a topping buffet so guests and kids can get involved in the action.

Bottom line - if you are in a rental, starter home, or have a postage stamp yard don’t let it stop you from entertaining outdoors this season.  Creating pop-up outdoor spaces to host friends and family will make the same incredible memories. 


Pitcher & Pictures


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